Samstag, 15. Februar 2025
Dr. Bertold Ulsamer
zu mir
Artikel und Aufsätze
Macht uns Familie krank?
Was unterscheidet das Familien-Stellen von anderen Therapierichtungen?
Ohne Wurzeln keine Flügel
Männer und Frauen - Ein Auszug aus
"Ohne Wurzeln keine Flügel"
Aufstellungen bei Straftaten und im Strafvollzug - Ein Auszug aus
"Ohne Wurzeln keine Flügel"
(Er-)Lösung duch Familien-Stellen?
English pages
Family Constellations According to Bert Hellinger
Does the family make us sick?
Order in love
International Similarities and Differences in Family Structure and Family Problems
Links & Articles
Privacy Policy
Páginas españolas
Entrenamiento: Constelaciones familiares y trauma
Nos enferma la familia?
Orden y Amor
Declaración de privacidad
Internet courses
Internet courses EN
• Training: Family Constellation and Trauma
Love and relationship
• How love succeeds: Stop being bored – become more alive!
• How love succeeds: Solve your conflicts with your partner! Stand up for your own needs and find common solutions!
• How love succeeds: Free yourself from the past! Leave the weakening influence of childhood, family and of your personal life behind you!
• Explore and heal the deeper roots of your sexuality! Guided imaginaries help you to grow and blossom
• End the suffering in your love relationship
• How to split off in a good way from a previous love relationship
• From being a single to a fulfilling partnership: Remove barriers and open yourself to a new love!
• 7 steps to deepen or heal the connection with your parents
• Family constellation: Introduction
• Family constellation: Master Course
• How childhood and family history affect our happiness
Professional Skills
• Stop self-sabotaging your own professional success
• Open the doors to your professional success
Self management
• Accept all your inner parts and transform your problems
• Strengthen your courage! Take an easy and relaxed way!
• Be (sometimes) more crazy! An exciting way to more freedom
• Face your death – win your life. Find the joy of living through encountering your mortality!
• Free yourself from the stress and the pressure you're under! Transform your tensions in joy and power
• Money, wealth and happiness: Find solutions for a difficult relationship!
• Overcome your overweight! Transform your need for food through understanding your emotions
• Be happy - drop your inner pressure to be perfect! How you find a more relaxed way through life
• Solve your problems at their root! Discover your transgenerational loyalty and transform it!
• Stand up for yourself! Find your own way – and be connected!
• Stop torturing yourself! A simple way to start loving yourself more
• Allow yourself to feel (occasionally) stupid! A new way to freedom
• Unblock yourself with NLP! Use your resources to solve your problems!
• Overcome your shyness! Transform shyness through meeting your unconscious and your emotions
• Anger Management
• Solve your inner conflicts with NLP
• Be free - drop your bad conscience and your guilt
• Methods against sleeplessness. Get the sleep you need, every night!
Internet Kurse DE
Liebe und Beziehung
• Deine Sexualität tiefer ergründen
• Sich von einer früheren Liebe trennen
• Hör auf mit dem Leiden in der Liebe
• Familienaufstellung
• Als Sohn die Beziehung zum Vater
heilen oder bessern
• Als Tochter die Beziehung zur Mutter verbessern
• Stressmanagement I
• Ärgermanagement I
• All Deine Kraftquellen ausschöpfen
• Innere Konflikte lösen
• Prüfungsangst bewältigen
• Mentales Training gegen Prüfungsangst
Family Constellation and Trauma
Internet Courses on udemy
English courses
Love and relationship
How love succeeds: Stop being bored – become more alive!
How love succeeds: Solve your conflicts with your partner! Stand up for your own needs and find common solutions!
How love succeeds: Free yourself from the past! Leave the weakening influence of childhood, family and of your personal life behind you!
Explore and heal the deeper roots of your sexuality! Guided imaginaries help you to grow and blossom
End the suffering in your love relationship! Discovering the deeper roots of your frustration, anger, fear and pain
How to split off in a good way from a previous love relationship
From being a single to a fulfilling partnership: Remove your barriers and open yourself to a new love!
7 steps to deepen or heal the connection with your parents. The potent way to reach inner strength and relaxation
Family constellation: Introduction
Family Constellation: Master Course
How childhood and family history affect our happiness
Professional skills
Stop self-sabotaging your own professional success!
Open the doors to your professional success! Getting free from barriers of childhood and family history
Self management
Accept all your inner parts and transform your problems!
Strengthen your courage! Take an easy and relaxed way!
Be (sometimes) more crazy! An exciting way to more freedom
Face your death – win your life. Find the joy of living through encountering your mortality!
Free yourself from the stress and the pressure you're under! Transform your tensions in joy and power
Money, wealth and happiness: Find solutions for a difficult relationship!
Overcome your overweight! Transform your need for food through understanding your emotions
Be happy - drop your inner pressure to be perfect! How you find a more relaxed way through life
Solve your problems at their root! Discover your transgenerational loyalty and transform it!
Stand up for yourself! Find your own way – and be connected!
Stop torturing yourself! A simple way to start loving yourself more
Allow yourself to feel (occasionally) stupid! A new way to freedom
Unblock yourself with NLP! Use your resources to solve your problems!
Overcome your shyness! Transform shyness through meeting your unconscious and your emotions
Anger Management: Understand and heal the deeper roots of your anger!
Solve your inner conflicts with NLP!
Be free – drop your bad conscience and your guilt
Methods against sleeplessness
Nach oben