Freitag, 24. Januar 2025

Money, wealth and happiness: Find solutions for a difficult relationship!

Warning: This is not a course about becoming rich!
Many people have a disturbed relationship to money. Some are too greedy, others too careless and others reject money at all. With this course you discover what is behind your need for money or your resistance against money. These insights will transform your attitude towards money. The lessons help you to find your best way to deal with money. If you deal well with money, you can give money the adequate place in your life and enjoy it when you have it. Then maybe you will even attract it.
You benefit from my experiences of 40 years of working as a therapist with NLP, hypnotherapy and family constellations. Many exercises from these fields lead you to new insights.
Relax with money and enjoy it!

4 hours 54 minutes

Price 59,99 USD
Book here



Feedback on udemy:

“I have found a connection with the source energy. changed my perception very much. Thank you very much dear Bertold:)“
Nihan Seher Özkan

“Very well educated and intelligent trainer. I am now aware of any emotional attachments associate with money. All I ever wanted is to be wealthy, NOW alI I want is to live a fulfilled life with what I have. Thank you.“
Alexandra Vasiliou

„Yes. It is fantastic. There are so many insights and underlying dynamics with money.”
Seema Raina