In many love relationships there are fierce arguments or hidden power struggles. Sometimes disputes out of one's own anger become very destructive and hurtful. Or one of the two withdraws and blocks.
This course shows you new ways of good and successful communication. First you learn how way to restrain your own anger. You learn to hear the hidden messages of your partner, so you can react in a different way. The course shows you how to set boundaries and to solve conflicts in constructive way.
So you learn the necessary attitudes and the practical skills to deal with your differences and disputes. This course complements my two other courses “How love succeeds”. One is: “Heal your wounds of the past”, the other “Deepen the love with your partner!”
These 3 courses are the fruit of 40 years of my work as a therapist and seminar leader. And it is the fruit of being 21 years a husband! Exercises and insights are rooted in NLP, communication psychology, hypnotherapy family constellations and trauma therapy.
4 hours, 10 minutes
Price 34,99 USD
Book here