Samstag, 15. Februar 2025

Family Constellation: Master Course


Family  Constellation:  Master Course. Change your life with this method! Discover your hidden family dynamics!


This course contains in 123 lessons the essence of my introductory book “The Healing Power of the Past” about the dynamics between children and parents, parents and children, men and women, the influence of ancestors, collective issues, different forms of constellations and so on.  
In 25 exercises the participant can discover the insights not only theoretically, but also practically. These guided imaginations allow to heal personal issues. And if somebody wants to become a facilitator of family constellation, this course is a great help!
I teach family constellations since more than 25 years in many parts of the world. In eight German books I have described the various aspects of this effective method – this is the master course.

123 lessons, 11,5 hours

Regular Price 119,99 USD
Book here



Feedback on udemy

“A wonderfully planned & explained the complicated topic in a very easy way. The practice sessions are awesome, giving instant connections with the real issue & self. The revelations by the representative of the Client or non human issue in the constellation, is really magical. This is the only course, I found on Udemy, giving exhaustive explanation of the issue. Thanks a lot for sharing your enrich experience of Family Constellation. My best regards to you & your team.“
Rakesh Tyagi

“I was so impressed with this course as it was so well done, thoughfull and informative in many ways. I am so grateful for its contents, its delivery, the compassionate approach of the teacher to the subject and life in general. I liked the balance between content and practices (which really allow in a really simple and soft way to understand the depth and beauty of this work). I hope one day to participate in person workshop!“

“Really like it through topic by topic. Gave me reassurance to work with this method. I am interested in Guilt and trauma work as well. Please help to find your next course which related with it. Thank you very much. I appreciated this work what you did."

“I am very pleased with practical advice, the way it speaks and meditations. It's very useful“
​​​​​​​Emina Mamutaj



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