Freitag, 24. Januar 2025

How to split off in a good way from a previous love relationship


How to split off in a good way from a previous love relationship
5 steps to inner peace and new freedom.


A love relationship ended but you still feel tied. This course shows you the steps that will help you to let go in a good way. Many lessons will guide you through the five necessary steps to come to a good closure. These steps were validated in my seminars over the last two decades.

Find the right and good distance to the past!

Take your part of responsibility for the separation!

Give space for the thankfulness for the good things of the past!

Let really go the other!


Regular Price 29,99 USD  
Book here




“The course is a really practical yet deeply therapeutic way of helping to navigate the end of relationships. It provides a framework that moves away from the usual tendency to blame whilst acknowledging mutual responsibility. I particularly like the idea of 'coming into peace' with the other person in the relationship. Liberating, insightful and powerful.

“ This was very helpful for even more current relationship to let go a certain behavioral pattern and connecting to the women in the past, I could easily see the strong loyalty I had with the women before me. Very powerful experience.“

“The course is a really practical yet deeply therapeutic way of helping to navigate the end of relationships. It provides a framework that moves away from the usual tendency to blame whilst acknowledging mutual responsibility. I particularly like the idea of 'coming into peace' with the other person in the relationship. Liberating, insightful and powerful.“ 

„This was very helpful for even more current relationship to let go a certain behavioral pattern and connecting to the women in the past, I could easily see the strong loyalty I had with the women before me. Very powerful experience.“ 


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